
作者:劉凝慧 2020年2月16日




有關 'Technology is not neutral’(科技不是中立的)這概念的文章及書籍已有不少,主要都是提醒我們應帶著批判的態度使用科技。因此,教會更應審慎使用科技,在牧養及造就弟兄姐妹靈命的方面加以考慮。迫不得已進行的網上崇拜應如何進行也是一個關乎神學、牧養及靈命培育的課題。雖然我們或許會認為疫情總會過去,此舉也只是暫時做法,但作為認真跟隨基督的教會,想必會常反思行事的利與弊。如要進行網上崇拜,在資源與能力許可之下,各教會或許亦可以再加考慮以下數點,以幫助會眾能於這非常時期,仍然能專一敬拜我們的三一真神,亦不失群體敬拜的精神。


1. 崇拜是神子民分別為聖與神相會的時刻


















2. 崇拜是全體會眾都要投入參與的聚會








3. 藝術與科技為崇拜而服務













1. 簡報頁的轉換需要特別留心,太早(上一程序未完成已出下一程序的簡報等)或太遲(需要加入頌唱詩歌時仍未轉頁等)都會影響會眾的參與。

2. 如不需要任何簡報內容的程序或時刻,建議使用全黑頁或其他形式的「空白頁」(並不是每一時刻都需要顯示一些東西的,重點是幫助會眾投入於當時當刻的敬拜行動中)。

3. 使用詩歌及禱文的版權要求,註明出處等事宜。

4. 簡報中的歌詞,因為多數未有歌譜,會眾或難於掌握音樂的節拍,故此,製作簡報時不妨加上一些簡單提示,例如:一字兩音的歌詞加上破折號或其他符號,突然有幾個急速的音用下劃線或其他符號表達等。通常一個群體習慣了這些符號便能更容易掌握如何頌唱詩歌,當然,領唱者仍需要有充足預備,並肯定地作出帶領。














Unavoidable On-line Worship?

Yvette Lau | Feb 16, 2020


Due to the development of the coronavirus situation, the pastors in Hong Kong need to deal with unexpected circumstances. Not only that they need to keep track of the development, they also need to take care of the brothers and sisters, and neighbors who are in need. Pastors are overwhelmed by endless meetings for contingency plans and strategies, communications, discussions on how the church can consistently be the witness in the community and at the same time, maintain the communal worship life. They are exhausted indeed. In order to cope with the challenge as the situation demands, churches have to consider or start on-line worship services. This may be a new territory for the churches and demands man power and material resources, planning and tests, evaluation and adjustment. Since I have been asked about the issues concerning on-line worship recently, I hope that this article can provide some preliminary thoughts on the different scopes and impacts of on-line worship services. My intention is not to add burdens for the pastors but to suggest some perspectives for thinking and practices. I believe that if we have offered our best endeavor, it would definitely be acceptable to God.


There are already articles and books on the concept ‘technology is not neutral’. The main theme is to remind us that we ought to be discerning with critical mind when applying technology. Therefore, churches ought to be extra cautious when using technology and consider the pastoral care and spiritual formation aspects involved. The issue of how to conduct the unavoidable on-line worship is indeed an issue involving theology, pastoral care and spiritual formation. Though we may think that the gathering of the worship services will resume soon and on-line worship is only a temporary measure, as churches following Christ dearly, we need to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of the things that we are doing. If on-line worship is to be held, when resources and strengths allowed, churches may consider the below suggestions in order to help the congregation to worship the Triune God with the same mind and maintain the communal worship spirit.


1. God’s People is Set Apart to Encounter with God in Worship


Worshipping God in Unity


If we hope that the congregants, though they cannot participate in the worship physically, can still worship together, churches may first consider the option of live-stream in real time. This option enables the brothers and sisters, even in front of the screens of the computers in different venues, to worship at the same time and with the same mind and thought, and thus fostering the sense of community. The worship leaders can also lead with faith and be led by the Holy Spirit for appropriate words and prayers. This practice still enables the congregants to worship with other members in real time (with zealous expectation) and be engaged in body, soul and mind.


Why only real-time live-stream


After the live-stream, even though the video still exists, the congregants will only be able to ‘watch’ what is happening in the worship on the screen but not really ‘participating’ in any actions with the community (or maybe demanding them greater faith and imagination). Thus, in principle, when situation permits, worship services should be held in real-time only (and there may be different requirements for the copyrights of the songs in cases of live-stream or recorded version) and the sermon can be uploaded to the website of the church if that is the normal practice. Church leaders should pay attention as how they are to bring out the meaning of worship in their wordings and announcements. It will be preferable to use phrases such as ‘participating in the real-time on-line worship’ rather than ‘watching the worship services’ or ‘watching the worship videos’ etc.


The Pastoral Concern for Pre-recorded Worship Services


For the pre-recorded worship (or even with obvious editing) which allows the congregants to freely choose a time to ‘watch’ it, not only that the congregants would not have the sense of worshipping with the church community, it will also lead to misconceptions of worship easily, such as ‘I will worship when I am free’, ‘worship is a personal matter’, ‘worship is a program’ etc. This may also encourage irremediable attitudes when the churches resume the on-site worship later.


Preserving the Quality of the Worshipping Community


Therefore, when there are sufficient resources, churches can consider to live-stream their worship services at the same time as originally scheduled and thus not easily changing the regularity (setting apart) and the quality of communal participation. The flow and content of the worship should not be drastically simplified and vastly different from the usual practices when switching to the use of digital media. The intercessory prayers can be enriched and deepened in this time to pray that God will grant us faith and hope in adversities and may God’s will be done.


2. Worship Demands the Full Participation of All Congregants


The congregation ought to understand the meaning of worship before they can fully participate in it. And worship is not something on our to-do-list for a check, nor is it a sophisticated sermon from which we can acquire something. To worship is to renew our relationship with God through our encounter with God, to respond to God’s calling, and to be reminded that there exists another reality.


How to Participate in On-line Worship Services


Therefore, churches can briefly explain or teach about the expectation for the participation of the congregants a few minutes right before the worship services begins (or through other channels), including how to set apart time and space to worship God with concentration. Reminders can be like: wearing suitable clothes, finding a quiet room, having appropriate space (for sitting or standing as instructed), turning off cell phones or other digital products, downloading the bulletin in advance, finding a Bible or paper and pens, participating by singing aloud or reciting verses, making offering as directed, staying focused until the end of the worship service (briefing family members not to disturb in advance, inviting family members to join the worship, having kids to join the worship or arranging baby-sitting in advance) etc. Besides, churches may also invite brothers and sisters to write down their sermon notes or reflections. This practice will not only help them to concentrate during the service, and will also prompt them to praise and thank God for His grace and leading during this special period of time when they look back.


3. Arts and Technology for the Purpose of Worship


Visual Images


Everything appears or being used in a worship service is merely a medium and their existence or usage is for the purpose of the worship service. A worship service is neither a performance nor an entertainment program and thus the use of the camera should be different from that of a music program or variety show. Since a worship service is not centered on people nor music, what the congregants see from the screen should be something which directs them to worship more dearly (including optimal lighting, clarity of image and dynamics etc.) and brings out the meaning of worship (what the foci of the worship acts in different parts of the service are about). Churches may avoid being directed by the pursuit of entertainment or fascination. Whether the congregants will feel bored or not, should not be the primary consideration of the use of the camera. When we can bring out the meaning of worship through the camera, this should definitely aid the congregants to participate in the worship services.




For churches which are having one worship leader upfront for the songs, it is noteworthy that the congregants at home can only listen to the leader’s voice but not the usual communal singing in a worship service. Therefore, churches can consider to include the singing voices of the few on-site pastors or volunteers during the singing parts so that the congregants may have a group singing experience to foster the sense of community.




The use of PowerPoint may become an important part to engage the congregants. So for the churches that will use the PowerPoint extensively more because of on-line worship, below are some suggestions:

1. Paying extra attention to the page turn. Turning both too early (showing the next slide when the current act is still not yet finished) or too late (needing to sing the next line but still not yet turned the page) will affect the participation of the congregants.

2. When no PowerPoint is needed for the current act or moment, the PowerPoint can show a black or blank page in whatever form (we do not need to show something all the times and the main concern is to help the congregants to be engaged in the worship act at the moment).

3. List out the required copyright information for the songs and prayers.

4. Since the lyrics projected on the screen usually is without the score and the rhythm of the songs may not be easily grasped by the congregants, therefore, some simple symbols may be used when preparing the PowerPoint files, e.g. adding a ‘-‘ to indicate two music notes for one syllable, a cluster of a few fast syllables may be underlined etc. Usually, when the congregants get used to a system of symbols, this will enhance their singing, but of course, the worship leader should always be prepared and lead with confidence.


Personal Privacy


Since the on-line worship services are open to all in theory, pastors and leaders should be extra cautious for the privacy of the brothers and sisters, and missionaries in particular when related matters are to be mentioned in prayer items or examples in sermons. Prior approval should be secured before announcing the information or details in public.




May we all continue to worship the Lord of all the earth with fervent hearts in this time of epidemic situation and regard each worship service as unique, being set apart, and even the last worship in our lives. Then, we will worship with expectation and engagement, and we will cherish the worship and be grateful.


We believe that the epidemic situation

cannot separate us from the love of Christ,

And cannot diminish our hearts to worship God.

May the Lord have mercy on us and help us,

And accept our honest worship!